Five Crystal Must Haves (plus a few others!)

Crystals crystals crystals... a lot of people ask me which ones should I get? There are so many out there, so it can be overwhelming. The best place to start is by using your intuition! If you're looking for ones that look nice (and really a lot of us choose crystals because they are just so darn pretty), then pick those ones. If you find yourself drawn to some because they felt good to you to hold in your hand, then pick those ones. 

If you are looking for a starter set to use in your home, on your person, or to build crystal grids with, here are the ones I highly recommend.

1) Quartz (clear). It is the master healer. A clear quartz crystal can be set with any intention at all! It can also be used to amplify the energy of other crystals, so it is great to have around. Use it in any form: pointed quart can help to direct energy in/out of your space, or your grid. If you are using quartz points, you will want to have four to six of them to work with. Tumbled quartz or quartz clusters are really useful in all applications as well.

2) Rose Quartz. I LOVE rose quartz. Use it for anything related to love, self love, acceptance, nurturing, peaceful and loving energy. This one I recommend tucking into your bra (if you wear those things!) or as a necklace hanging near your heart. Send that loving energy into it and let it work for you. As for what form of this crystal? Choose the one you are drawn to.

3) Amethyst (another form of quartz). So great for calming the mind, balancing emotions, enhancing intuition and connecting to spiritual energy. Any form of this crystal whether in clusters, points, raw or tumbled works well. You will find many types of amethyst, ranging from clear with purple tinges to chevron amethyst (also called dream amethyst), which is a white and deep purple banded one. The choice is yours.

4) Citrine (yet another form of quartz - catch the theme here?). Your INNER SUNSHINE! Works on your power centre - self confidence, abundance, joy, motivation, self expression. Sounds fabulous, right? It also releases heavier emotions that may hold you back. This ranges in colour from yellow to rust coloured or brown. Go with your intuition on how to choose this one. I use both tumbled and raw citrine, depending on which one I feel will serve its purpose at the time.

5) Hematite or Black Tourmaline. These are both strong grounding and protective stones. Hematite is also great for reducing pain and inflammation. Black Tourmaline is commonly used to grid your home for protection and reduction of EMF radiation.

And, to cover all your bases, I suggest you consider including a some of the following:

6) Something GREEN! Who doesn't love the colour of green? Abundance, health, heart chakra, connection to the earth - all of these are connected to crystals of green hues. Some of the ones I like to use are fluorite, green calcite, green aventurine, moss agate and malachite.

7) Something BLUE! One of the most problematic chakras I see in people is the throat chakra. We want to work on opening this up with clear expression of your truth, help with finding your direction in life, reducing headaches and calming the mind. I tend to use blue calcite, lapis lazuli (one of my favourites!), sodalite and blue lace agate.

8) Selenite. This crystal has an infinite number of uses AND it is super affordable. It has exceptional clearing and cleansing properties for your space, for your mind and energy stagnation in the body. You can grid your home with it for protection too. One of the things I use it most for is for clearing and cleansing other crystals. I'll be posting another blog soon with more details on the how's, why's and when's of cleansing crystals.

I hope this helps give you guidance on choosing crystals to get you going, or to expand your crystal collection! Keep in touch if you have any other topics you want on here.


Working with the Full Moon