Reflecting With Compassion

This year in particular I’m going to be honest, was not how I had planned it to be. I consider myself to be highly intuitive, clairvoyant and clairsentient - and this year was the year 2020! The year of clarity, the year of taking back control over my life and my destiny, of finding joy, and of finding balance. I am an eternal optimist and hopeful. Trust me I have my ups and downs, but for the most part I believe that everything is going to turn out amazing! I mean, why wouldn’t you want to believe that? But this year in particular, I had BIG plans.

And here we are at the end of the year, just two more days and we ring in the new year - 2021. It’s around this time of year where I (and I know many of you) reflect back on the year - what I had planned on accomplishing, what I had envisioned coming to fruition and then, what actually happened. This year turned out VERY different than I had imagined, and it can be very disappointing to recognize that what I had planned on, may not have turned out as I had hoped. I found myself falling into the trap of asking why, and even being hard on myself for not accomplishing the goals I had set out to do. This is not a pretty place that I wanted to spend much time in.

So, here is what I chose to do instead, and I urge you to do the same. I have chosen to look back in a different way. To be an observer of what has unfolded, without attachment, just like watching a movie; the movie of my life in this last year. And in doing so, I see things with more clarity and compassion. I see tough times, but I also recognize my growth, evolution and resilience. I see the silver linings here.

In reflecting back on this year, I see that there was so much out of my control - global pandemic, inability to work, I lost my childcare options, my usual social connections and trips were cancelled. Not only that, but the external parameters kept changing as well. (I’m going to admit, I am not good with external changes and uncertainties.) I also see that once I shifted into accepting that the external parameters were out of my control, I was able to really see what it was that I could actually control and influence. Me. And now it was my choice as to what I would do with that. So, I chose to spend more time with my little boy. I chose to shift to working remotely when possible. I built a larger garden than I have ever before. I spent the summer camping in some of the most beautiful places I would never have planned on going to before. I took advantage of newly available remote learning opportunities to train with amazing breathwork and coaching teachers from around the world, and in doing so, I also realized that in order to be fully present and happy with “me”, I had some inner work to do.

This has been a year of clarity, I understand more clearly what is important to me, what brings me joy and what I have control over in my life. This has been a year of discomfort, at times, which has lead to growth, learning to adapt to change, and release attachment to external factors where possible. This has been a year where I have had so much joy in being fully present, and in creating memories with my little boy that I will cherish forever. This has been the year where I have understood that I can control my response and my reactions, and that by learning to shift and adapt, I can make amazing things happen! This has been the year that I am taking back control over my life and my destiny. It just looks a little different than I had planned on.

So, I want you to try this if you can. Look at yourself and your life, whether over the last year or another timeframe, at an outsider. Watch it like a movie, without attachment to the outcome. Perhaps you will also have more clarity, and perhaps you will also have more compassion, for yourself. You deserve it.


How to End the Internal Struggle?